Online Training

Change Fitness App

Looking for an affordable way to workout from home or your own gym, but not sure what workouts you should be doing to get the results you want? The Change Fitness App is one of our best sellers. We provide professional training at affordable costs. Our main goal in creating this app was to provide quality training that gets results, without breaking the bank, so you don't have to choose between your own Health and Wellness, and putting food on the table. When you sign up for our "All In" Monthly Memberships, you get full access to ALL of our programs. You can also do one off program purchases. Our programs provide flexibility in scheduling, an On Demand Workout Library of 100+ Videos, Beginner to Advanced Programs, Apple Health & Google Fit Integrations, Nutritional Tracking options, access to the Change Fitness Community Platform, and much more! (Equipment: 2 X Dumbbells Required. Optional: Additional Equipment Options for Strength Series).

Hybrid Training

Can't afford 1:1 Personal training? Struggling to get motivated, or not know where to begin in your health and wellness journey? You're not alone, we hear this constantly, so we've come up with a solution. Our Hybrid programs provide the initial kickstart you need to start building momentum and creating change in your life. We provide an initial consult (in studio or online) where we discuss your goals (not just fitness, but also life, work, personal and nutrition). From here, we build you a individualized program to do on your own, or suggest one of our app programs that may suit your ability and goals. We give options for monthly studio or Zoom workouts with a trainer to focus on form or program questions. We then schedule in 8 week follow up accountability sessions where we review your goals, discuss barriers, and set new ones. We understand that achieving your goals means changing more than just your workout schedule, it's a lifestyle. We're here to be flexible and help you create that lifestyle with small changes over time.

Cost: Adjusted Per Individualized Program